Saturday, April 21, 2012

University or not.

So you know I'm thinking about doing some fashion styling course. I'd like to do that as University but there are many few-day/week/month long courses too. So Idk. I could do some business university as well so I would know what and how, but I can learn that at home.. Here are few of short fashion styling courses which I found interesting.
Viete, že rozmýšľam nad kurzmi fashion stylingu. Rada by som šla na Univerzitu, ale sú tu aj nejaké niekoľko denné/týždenné/mesačné kurzy. Tak ja neviem. Mohla by som si potom spraviť nejakú business školu aby som vedela čo a ako, ale to sa môžem naučiť aj doma.. Tu sú nejaké kurzy, ktoré sa mi zdali zaujímavé

London College of Fashion
Style yourself confident, Principles of Personal Fashion Styling 1 and 2, Signature style, Introducing to Fashion Styling for Media, Fashion Styling for Print, Celebrity Styling, Menswear Styling for the Media

Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York
Color: Fashion Products/ Color: Image and Style, Fashion Styling, Image Consulting
strašne neprehľadná stránka. vôbec som z nej nedostala informácie aké chcem a nedá sa v nej poriadne vyznať. | this site is so so crowded. i didn't find there any useful info.

Elite Fashion Academy Los Angeles
Fashion Styling

Crystal Wright's course
Fashion Styling Program California State
toto je úžasná žena! | awesome woman!

The Design Academy
Image Consultant and Fashion Styling Courses

Los Angeles, London, Dublin Make Up Academy
Become a Fashion Stylist


  1. váu, to môže byť perfektné! :)

  2. Výška, tieto problémy poznám.. ale veď ty vieš. Poradiť ti neviem ale nech sa rozhodneš akokoľvek tak držím palce. :)
