So I came back fron grape yesterday. I slept long and I decided, I´ll upload some live videos from concerts I loved the most. When I´ll have photos I share them too. Festival was great! I really enjoyed it. Who wasn´t there, should regret.
Tak najprv sme boli na Festival Áčko present- tri krátke filmy študentov VŠMU a Fest Anča fičí- Animation is not dead- Animované filmy.
So at first we were on Festival Áčko present- three short movies students´ VŠMU and Fest Anča fičí- Animation is not dead- Animated movies.
PPE- Gramatika
Hurts- Better Than Love
aj keď ich hudba nie je zrovna taká tá skákacia, koncert bol skvelý a užíval si ho tam naozaj každý
even their music is not that "jumping" concert was great and everybody enjoyed it
Midi Lidi
tak video z koncertu som nenašla ale aj tento koncert bol super. projekcie na plátne, pesničky..
so i haven´t found a concert video but this one was great too. projections, songs..
v piatok sme ešte boli na koncerte vec & zverina vs. haf & beyuy, kazety a interpol, ale prvé dve ma nejako moc nezaujali, aj keď kazety mám celkom rada, ale možno tým, že ich hudbu nemám takú napočúvanú, alebo tým, že som ešte nebola v koncertovej nálade, som si to tak neužila, a čo ma sklamalo, interpol bol vážne dosť nudný.. a je mi ľúto, že som nebola na the swan bride.
in friday we were on concerts vec & zverina vs. haf & beyuy, kazety and interpol too, but the first and second didn´t take me, even i like kazety, but maybe coz i don´t listen them enough or because i wasn´t in the "concert mood". i didn´t enjoyed it, and what disapointed me: intepol was boring. i regret i wasn´t on the concert of the swan bride..
Billy Barman- Podskalický Ján
Para- Matamatomatahari
aj napriek výpadkom zvuku bol koncert skvelý.
despite of dropped out sound was concert great.
The Wombats- Techno Fan
tak tento koncert bol naozaj perfektný! vyskákala som sa, vykričala.
well, this concert was really perfect! i was jumping and screaming..
Marina and the Diamonds- I am not a robot
Marina and the Diamonds- Oh no!
Tak na Marine sme boli úplne vpredu a bol úžasná! rúžové šaty vraj z promu na ktorom nikdy nebola, ako povedala, sa mi veľmi nepáčili ale keď si ich dala dole bola oblečená super (: Jej hlas, charizma a celá show bola skvelá! Neviem čo si porobila s vlasmi, ale dúfam, že ich dá čoskoro späť (:
So we were in full front on Marina and she was amazing! i didn´t like pink dress from prom she never was on as she said but when she took them off, her outfit was great! (: her voice, charisma, show, everything was great! i don´t know what she has done to her hair but i hope she put it back soon. (:
Ľutujem, že som nebola na N.O.H.A, I like you histeric, DVA, Emonoizboyz a Mariša, sklamal ma koncert the Uniques, a trošku ma naštvalo že včas nezapojili premietanie Najlepších reklám, ale inak som si celý deň nadmieru užila
I regret I wasn´t on N.O.H.A, I like you histeric, DVA, Emonoizboyz and Mariša, The Uniques dissapointed me and I was a little angry that they didn´t play the Best commercials, but I enjoyed all they too much!
Dúfam, že aj vy ste mali rovnako skvelý víkend!
Hope you had that great weekend too!
dalsia co cakala ze interpol bude neviem co za show robit..ach jaj..
ReplyDeleteako si na toto prisiel/sla? vôbec som nečakala že budú robiť show, ale mohli koncertu dodať dušu, hĺbku. hurts tiež nie sú práve kapela na ktorú budeš skákať/tancovať, ale tú hudbu som cítila v žilách. ako som napísala, každý má rád iné.
ReplyDeleteabsolútne som nečakala že tam budú také super skupiny! Závidím Hurts aj Marinu ale tá spievala fakt že falošne